Monday, May 25, 2020

Neither a Mule nor a Queen - 1031 Words

Neither a Mule nor Queen Have you ever felt like you had no say on anything you do? Have you ever been a relationship where you had no voice? In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, Janie, the protagonist, goes through the same thing. Janie goes from being a young girl to being a strong, independent woman. She marries multiple men trying to find the one who will make her dream of love come true. Janie begins her quest of finding the right man at a very young age. As she continues to grow, she realizes that she wants more than love in a man. She learned that she wanted to be free and have her own voice. All three marriages were necessary in order for Janie to become a strong and independent woman. In the beginning of the novel, it is seen that Janie starts to be curious about her womanhood. After the kiss with Johnny Taylor her grandmother, Nanny, forces Janie to marry Logan Killicks, so that Logan could take good care of her â€Å"De nigger woman is de’ mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see†(Hurston 14) Nanny preaches this to Janie so she can understand why she chose Logan to take good care of her. In Janie’s first marriage with, Logan Killicks, a wealthy but much older land owner, in the beginning of her journey to finding who she is meant to become. â€Å"Janie’s first dream was dead, so she became a woman.† (Hurston 25) Her dream died because Janie thought that love came with marriage. But she realized that she could love this man, he was ugly, in herShow MoreRelatedThe Golden Age of Piracy Essay example1197 Words   |  5 Pagesthrough letters of marque since 1353, during the reign of Edward 111. However, it was not till Queen Elizabet h’s reign that England would heavily rely on â€Å"Sea Dogs.† Queen Elizabeth inherited the throne of England at a volatile time. 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Ànà ¬Ã¯â‚¬ ¬, Ànà   the Earth Spirit, regarded as the mother of all men, the queen of the underworld, and the custodian of public morality aspect of the earth related to death rites person’s name person’s name (lit. The land has done very well) the shrine of Ànà ¬Ã¯â‚¬ ¬ owned by the head of a compound, kept in front of his house secret

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